LaunchVic moves to single stakeholder view for improved operations
LaunchVic moves to single stakeholder view for improved operations, with DXC and Salesforce.
With a number of disparate third-party applications and data sources being used to conduct CRM-type activities, LaunchVic were challenged by a lack of a centralised information system, onerous user experience and high reliance on manual data entry, reporting and analysis.
After ascertaining the need for a centralised CRM platform and a single source of truth, DXC Practice for Salesforce (formerly System Partners) and LaunchVic worked together to implement Salesforce CRM and Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Multichannel Marketing Automation), which were both configured to LaunchVic’s unique needs.
“The turnaround time for the entire project was particularly fast, taking less than two months for the full implementation and integration of Salesforce CRM and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.”
Kate CornickChief Executive Officer, LaunchVic